Our Core Values

Ethics are an essential part of our business practices. To best serve our authors, we remain devoted in our commitment to high ethical standards and the principles embedded in our seven core values Honesty, Trust, Boldness, Modesty, Team Spirit, Freedom, and Fun. 

Living these values and sharing our values with our clients to create mutual value is most important to us. 

    • Honesty: Our mission is to publish and sell books of the highest quality in content and design. We design our publishing agreements so that the author and the publisher are protected against potential copyright infringement and unfair treatment. We create a transparent and clear royalty report every end of each quarter, and we never spam, oversell, harass authors, our clients or customers.
    • Trust: We strive to build a trusting relationship with our authors and our customers. 
    • Boldness: We represent our authors in the media to create a buzz for their work. We also do not hesitate to challenge our authors to make themselves available to the public.
    • Modesty: We know our limits, and we know the limits of our authors. We try our best to be as truthful as possible when presenting our work or the work of our authors. We always strive to exceed the expectations of our authors and their readers. 
    • Team Spirit: We love to work as a team. Our experience is that a team is always stronger than a lonely genius. But we are accountable for our work and we keep our authors informed each step of the way. We involve authors in planning and decision-making for key aspects of the publication process, from titles and cover design to sales and marketing strategies.We utilize a project management system that triggers emails to all team members for task completion and status updates. For the work on each of our titles, we work typically with a team of about four members: one member for editing, a team member for layout and design, one for marketing and one person for project management and other tasks. Furthermore, we provide helpful and timely information to authors at all stages of publication, and beyond, and facilitate authors to get any ancillary information which we cannot provide.
    • Freedom: We love to hear what our authors and all team members bring to the table during each book project. We encourage all team members to contribute freely to the project. Creativity is one of our most valuable element when we publish books. 
    • Fun: Our teams meet regularly, celebrate new book launches and enjoy together every new task and book that we start and finish. Our daily morning status meetings have become a refreshing and welcoming event that gives us energy for the day and bonds us as a team.